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Loans in Denmark

Get personal loan offers from 17 banks

Five reasons to find loans via LendMe:

You save money - An average of 18.000 kroner

You save time - 17 offers with one application

✓ You're in good hands - We protect your information

✓ You get personal service if you have any questions

✓ It's 100% free and non-binding to apply

Five reasons to find loans via LendMe:

You save money - An average of 18.000 kroner

You save time - 17 offers with one application

It's simple and only takes a few minutes to apply

250 000 kr
10 000 kr
400 000 kr
Forventet månedlig ydelse*
2 909 kr
12 år
Forventet månedlig ydelse*
2 909 kr
12 år

Ønsker du at samle dine lån?


ved 9% deb. rente. Priseks.: Samlet kreditbeløb 250 000 kr. Var. deb. rente 3.6% - 20.95%. ÅOP 4.11% - 21.77%. Etb. omk. 7 500 kr. Samlet tilbagebetalingsbeløb 321 650 - 500 000 kr. Løbetid 1-15 år.

Sidst opdateret: 20. august 2024 | Læsetid: 6 minutter

We are a digital lending platform that enables you to compare loans from 17 different banks.

When applying through our platform your application is sent to our partners who feature some of the biggest consumer loan banks in Denmark.

You’ll be able to get personalized offers from banks like Nordea, Santander Consumer Bank, Express Bank, Ikano Bank, Basisbank and several others, and to easily compare fees, interest rate, APR and your monthly payments.

After getting the complete overview you just pick whatever loan has the best terms. It’s both simple, fast and secure.

The price for lending money varies greatly from person to person and from bank to bank.

That’s why using a lending broker like LendMe before you take up a credit is very important for getting the best loan deal.

How much can I loan?

You can apply for amounts up to 400.000 Danish kroner when applying through LendMe.

You can also choose from a number of purposes which in the end is up to you.

The banks doesn’t take any financial pledge as a condition for lending you money so you will be able to use the money to get a down payment on a house, buy a car, renovate your house, refinance existing debt or something completely different.

When you’re approved to take an instant loan the money will be paid out to your Danish Nemkonto (bank account) and will be available in 1-3 banking days.

Compare loans from 17 banks
Find the cheapest option fast and secure

With lots of different options for taking up personal credit it can be difficult for most to see the full picture when choosing a loan.

When you compare multiple loan offers you get a wide range of options, but without the need to make tons of time consuming applications.

Most banks in Denmark are able to offer consumer loans which makes it even more confusing for you to choose.

Especially when most banks don’t offer any explanatory text in English.

Most people are not used to taking up credit and therefore not always up to date on how they find the cheapest lending opportunities.

This part of the text explains the most common types of loans in Denmark that you need to know about in order to choose the right one for you.

Unsecured loans

Unsecured loans are one of the most common types of loans you will come across.

Here you’ll be able to loan up to 400.000 Danish kroner without the bank having any mortgage over e.g. your car, house or collection of stamps.

When applying for an unsecured loan, in Danish referred to as a forbrugslån, the bank gives you a credit score based on your personal finances.

They especially take a close look at your income, expenses and debt.

By taking a lot of economic variables into account they’re able to calculate an interest rate and offer you a loan if you meet the economic requirements.

In the end this is, roughly speaking, what determines the price of a loan.

As a rule of thumb, the better your financial situation the better the price of the loan.

Different banks have different prices

The main reason why it’s always a great idea to compare loans is because banks have different ways of calculating the credit score.

This means that if you apply for a loan or credit at different banks the outcome can be vastly different.

We recently compared prices across applications and found that the average difference between the cost of loans is slightly under 18.000 Danish kroner.

We also saw that the higher applied amounts feature greater differences in offers and therefore also in money saved.

Therefore you could potentially save a considerable amount of money by comparing banks instead of just picking one at random.

LendMe helps you compare these unsecured consumer loans.

Home loans and car loans

These types of loans are usually referred to as secured loans.

This basically means that the bank gets a mortgage over the house or car that you buy and you slowly pay off your loan to the bank or financial institute.

If you for some reason are not able to pay off the loan the bank can force you to sell the house or car in order to secure their payment.

Secured loans are usually for acquiring real estate which also means you typically get a lower interest rate than you would on an unsecured loan.

Payday loans

The final type of loan is the payday loan. This is also a common type, but is usually for small amounts and is paid off in a matter of months. Typically three to six.

Payday loans are almost without exception the most expensive loan you can get when looking at the percentage of costs compared to the amount of money you loan.

This is not to say that payday loans can’t be useful under certain circumstances, but usually you should just save up instead of acquiring this kind of debt.

If you’re looking to get a credit higher than 10.000 Danish kroner the unsecured loans are a cheaper and better alternative.

When looking for personal loans you usually get different kinds of expenses and numbers to take into account.

The most common ones are (in Danish):

  • Interest rate (rente)
  • APR (ÅOP)
  • Starting fee (etableringsomkostning)
  • Administrative fee (administrationsgebyr)

When you compare different loans you should always look for the APR.

This number includes all expenses and is short for Annual Percentage Rate which tells you the percentage of the full amount you have to pay each year.

By looking at this number you can easily tell which loan offer is the most attractive. The only exception would be if you compare loans with different loan terms.

A loan with a shorter term will usually also feature a higher APR than a longer one even if it is objectively the cheaper option.

If you get offers with different loan terms you should look at the interest rate and starting fee for the best comparison.

It can be difficult to understand the lending jargon and especially in a foreign language, but right now most banks don’t offer an English version even though Danish language skills are not a requirement for getting a personal loan.

Instead our customer service team is here to help you if you’re experiencing any language barriers.

You can always reach us by mail at or by phone on 70 60 62 62 during business hours which are 10 - 16 on weekdays.

When searching for the best loan online you should always use a lending platform like ours to help you get more offers, which in turn makes it a lot easier for you to get the best deal.

You save a considerable amount of money and a lot of hassle by just making one application instead of applying directly with different banks or just choosing the first one that you see.

Not only is it easier and cheaper for you, but at the same time you’re also able to get help from the best customer service team in the industry if you have any trouble with locating documentation or just have general questions.

We have helped more than 200.000 people find offers and with more than 2500 five star reviews on Trustpilot our users label our service as excellent.

It is absolutely free and non-binding to apply through our platform and you will get replies from all the banks in less than an hour.

Get the best option on loans
Compare loan offers from multiple banks with one application
A: To get a loan through us, you need to meet the following criteria:
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a permanent address in Denmark
  • Have a NemID/MitID
Additionally, each bank will conduct an individual credit assessment which will determine the offers you receive from them.

You can compare the offers through us and choose the one that best suits your needs.

It is free and non-binding to apply for a loan through us, and we are here to help if you have any questions - we speak English, so don’t let that hold you back.
A: The cost of the loan depends on a specific credit assessment, but the interest rate ranges from 3.6% to 20.95%.

To make it easy to find the cheapest loan among the banks, you can compare offers from different banks through us by making just one application.

This saves you a lot of time, but more importantly, it can save you a lot of money.

Our data shows that choosing the most expensive loan can be over five times more expensive than choosing the cheapest one.

We quickly find the cheapest loan among the 17 banks we collaborate with, and you can choose which loan you prefer in the end.

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